Friday, 26 August 2016

The Winning Life. Part 3

Deacon Adekunle Adenuga

The Force Of Joy.

The force of Joy is the strength of the faith. This joy is founded upon the integrity of the Word of God.

Psalms 119:14 KJV I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches.

The joy that gives strength to your faith is the joy that comes from the spirit. Luke 10: 21. When you are joyful in the Word, faith is strengthened. It makes you get excited about the Word of God and His righteousness. When you live by faith, joy must be its strength.

Because the attitude of faith is the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8: 10.
It is only through joyful attitude that your faith is strengthened.

Psalms 33:1-4 KJV
Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.  (2) Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings.
(3) Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.
(4) For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.

It is require for the righteous to live by faith. Romans 1: 16-17. Also, it is necessary for the righteous to rejoice in the LORD because you cannot separate the life of faith from the life of joy. A faith-full life must be a joyful life. You cannot be faith filled without being joy filled. Because it is joyful life that gives strength to faith-full life.

A genuine faith in the Word will produce a rejoicing in the LORD because the word of the LORD is right. Joyful attitude in the Word guarantees unwavering confidence in the ability of God to bring to pass His Word.

Strong faith is produced and sustained in the presence of the fullness of joy. Romans 4: 20.
Abraham was strengthened in faith by giving glory to God. Strong, unwavering faith is the product of worship generated by joyful attitude in the Word of God. The Word of God is the source of true joy. Joyfulness is a result of the attitude of thanksgiving. Until you are thankful, you cannot be joyful. Joyful attitude enhances the effectiveness of faith. When you are joyful in the Word of God, it makes your faith fruitful. Until you are joyful in the Word, your faith cannot be fruitful. Result-oriented faith answers to a joyful attitude in the Word.

Psalms 56:4 KJV In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

When you are praiseful in God for His Word, it generates a confidence that cannot be shaken. Your confidence in the Word will create a glorious reward for you. Joyfulness is the source of strength for your faith. It emboldens your faith to stand in face of challenges and obstacles of life.

Living in Consistent Revelation.

Isaiah 12:3 KJV Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

It is joy that guarantees unfailing revelation. It is revelation that keeps faith alive. Living in consistent revelation of the Word demands consistent rejoicing. Faith strives and increases on revelation knowledge. Without revelation knowledge faith becomes dull and may eventually dies out. Revelation knowledge is what renews the strength of faith. The freshness of faith is guaranteed on the platform of revelation you received from the Word consistently.

You require joy to draw water out of the wells of salvation. The water is the Word you need for you specific situation. When you are in a situation where you need victory, you need a specific word from the Lord to instruct you on what to do that will bring you victory. But that word will not come until you begin to praise God and remain joyful, because it requires joy for you to draw the counsel of the Lord from inside of you.

You need joy for a healthy and victorious living. Consistent joyful life guarantees strong and healthy life. The secret of a strong faith is in the intensity of its joyfulness. Strong faith answers to a joyful attitude. Faith is strengthened in the atmosphere of joyful praise.

Proverbs 15:15 KJV All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

When you have a joyful heart, you consistently have a feast of revelation of the Word of God. A joyful attitude is the generator of uninterrupted flow of revelation from the Word. Since faith strives on and increases by the revelation of the Word, it shows that your faith can be made stronger and increased based on the level of your joy. When you rejoice in the Word, revelation is made abound to you. Psalm 119: 162.

The more revelation you received the stronger your faith becomes. And the level of your joyful attitude determines the quantity of revelation that is delivered to you.

Joyful attitude in the LORD and His Word enhances spiritual understanding of the Word. when you are joyful, the Word needed for the realization of your inheritance in Christ will be deliver to you. Joyful attitude empowers you to make a draw of water of the Word from the wells of salvation inside of you.

Proverbs 17:22 KJV A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Joyful attitude is a medicine that generates health and healing to your body. Joyful praise to God and His Word promotes a healthy and strong life. Joyful praise to God and His Word delivers to you your inheritance in Christ. Joyful praise creates an atmosphere for God to dwell in your life, because the Scripture says God inhabits the praises of his people. When your life becomes a dwelling place of God by the reason of your joyful attitude, you become a habitation of signs and wonders. Romans 4: 19-20. 

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