The Amazing Boldness of Christ |
Mark 4:38-41 Jesus was in the back of the boat, sleeping ... The disciples woke him up and said, "Teacher, don't you care that we are about to die?" Jesus stood up and commanded the wind, "Be quiet!" and he said to the waves, "Be still!" The wind died down, and there was a great calm. Then Jesus said … "Why are you frightened? Do you still have no faith?" But they were terribly afraid and began to say to one another, "Who is this man? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"

Even standing before Pilate, Jesus was not intimidated. He knew that Pilate would have no power over Him except that which was given to him from above, John 19:11. In John 10:18, Jesus boldly declared that no man could take His life from Him. He has the power to lay down His life and to take it up again. In Matthew 26:53, Jesus boldly informed Peter that if He wished, He could pray unto the Father to send Him twelve legions of angels and they would immediately be dispatched unto Him.
Because we have received Jesus into our lives and we believe in His name, we have received the power to become sons of God like Him, John 1:12. The same life and boldness that flows in Christ also flows in you and me, 1John 5:11. As He is, so are we in this world, 1John 4:17.
FAITH DECLARATION: The amazing boldness of Christ is reflecting in my life because I have the life of Christ in me.
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