The Two Sides of the Cross |
Matthew 27:46 (GNB), 2Cor 5:21 (GNB) At about three o'clock Jesus cried out with a loud shout, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why did you abandon me?"*Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union with him we might share the righteousness of God.

Jesus came to save you from sin and bondage of the devil and to restore you as God's righteous child. Although God's grace is free, it was very expensive. Jesus paid for it by shedding His own blood. He did this to save and deliver us from both the punishment and power of sin. On the Cross, God made Jesus sin so that you and I might freely become His righteousness in Christ, 2Cor.5:21.
We must always remember that God's gift of righteousness is not a license for us to continue living in sin. Sin is evil and it is dangerous that is why Jesus came to save us from it. Deliberately living in sin will destroy our lives. God's gift of righteousness gives us the power and the will to be free from sin and to live above sin. Anyone who hears the true message of God's grace in Christ can never love sin or want to continue in sin.
Our understanding and appreciation of the free gift of God's grace produces a strong hatred for sin and passion for living out the new, righteous life that Jesus suffered and died to purchase for us. Our appreciation and understanding of God's grace causes us to love Him more and live our lives to honour and please Him. Understanding God's grace empowers us to love and live for Him.
PRAYER FOCUS: Tell God how much you appreciate the love and grace He showed you in Christ and tell Him how much you love Him and desire to please Him.
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