Saturday, 18 June 2016

Believe God And Do It His Way
JUN 18

Isaiah 55:8-9 
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Author PhotoThe fact that God's promise to you does not appear humanly possible should not cause you to doubt God or to use your own wisdom and strength to bring about God's will. Impossibility is just an opportunity for God to manifest Himself. As you trust in God, He will empower you with His strength and wisdom to do the impossible. Mary knew that it wasn't humanly possible for her to give birth to Jesus on her own, but she eventually yielded herself in faith to God's word and she was divinely empowered by the Spirit of God to do what was previously humanly impossible.

Moses had a sense of God's will for his life but the initial way he went about it was not God's way. In his own strength and wisdom, he killed an Egyptian to save an Israelite, but God had bigger and better plans for him. God wanted him to deliver Israel with God's divine strength and wisdom. God always has perfect timing for our lives also. When God empowered Moses to deliver Israel, it was in a far more powerful and glorious way than Moses could have ever imagined.

When Abraham tried in his strength and wisdom to bring God's promise to pass, he gave birth to Ishmael. When He trusted and yielded to God, Isaac divinely came as God promised. Renounce every dishonest and crafty attitude (2Cor.4:2) and yield yourself to the filling and leading of the Spirit, Rom.8:14. By the help of the Spirit you will know what is on God's mind (1Cor.2:11-12) and by faith and patience you will obtain the promise, Heb.10:36.

PRAYER FOCUS: Thank God for His Word and promises to you and declare in faith that you believe in Him for His strength and wisdom to receive the manifestation of His word in your life.
      BIBLE IN ONE YEAR READING PLAN: PROV. 27-29   Empowered to Occupy Till He Comes... - See more at:

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