You Have Purpose
Read: 1 Peter 4:7–11 | Bible in a Year: 2 Chronicles 21–22; John 14
If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 4:11
On a hot day in western Texas, my niece Vania saw a woman standing by a stoplight and holding up a sign. As she drove closer, she tried to read what the sign said, assuming it was a request for food or money. Instead, she was surprised to see these three words: “You Have Purpose”
God has created each of us for a specific purpose. Primarily that purpose is to bring honor to Him, and one way we do that is by meeting the needs of others (1 Peter 4:10–11).
A mother of young children may find purpose in wiping runny noses and telling her kids about Jesus. An employee in an unsatisfying job might find his purpose in doing his work conscientiously, remembering it is the Lord he is serving (Col. 3:23–24). A woman who has lost her sight still finds purpose in praying for her children and grandchildren and influencing them to trust God.
Psalm 139 says that before we were born “all the days ordained for [us] were written in [His] book" (v. 16). We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” to bring glory to our Creator (v. 14).
Never forget: You have purpose!
God has created each of us for a specific purpose. Primarily that purpose is to bring honor to Him, and one way we do that is by meeting the needs of others (1 Peter 4:10–11).
A mother of young children may find purpose in wiping runny noses and telling her kids about Jesus. An employee in an unsatisfying job might find his purpose in doing his work conscientiously, remembering it is the Lord he is serving (Col. 3:23–24). A woman who has lost her sight still finds purpose in praying for her children and grandchildren and influencing them to trust God.
Psalm 139 says that before we were born “all the days ordained for [us] were written in [His] book" (v. 16). We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” to bring glory to our Creator (v. 14).
Never forget: You have purpose!
Lord, it often seems that our lives swing from drudgery to challenges we don’t want. Today help us to see You in the midst of whatever faces us. Show us a small glimpse of the purpose and meaning You bring to everything.
Even when everything seems meaningless, God still has a purpose for your life.
INSIGHT: The words translated “be alert” and “of sober mind” in verse seven of today’s passage are both imperatives. The verb tense indicates a time-specific action with ongoing effects. This means Peter is not asking his readers if they will be alert and sober-minded; he is commanding that they be (and continue to be) alert (use sensible judgment) and be sober-minded (have clear and rational thinking). They are to do this for a specific purpose—so that they can pray. Obeying this command to alertness and self-control can and will have a lasting effect because it empowers our prayers.
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